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Root Canal Course in Chennai

Endodontic learning and skill enhancement course in Chennai
Contact: 8754205767
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Procedural Steps Demonstrated with Hands-On enable you deliver quality endodontic therapy to patients

Diagnosis and Treatment Planning in Endodontics

Correct diagnosis is the foundation for correct treatment. Learn the art of establishing accurate diagnosis consistently.

Art of Pain Control During Treatment

Effective anaesthesia and post operative pain control is essential to make our patients feel comfortable. During the course you will learn about various anaesthesia techniques and supplemental methods of pain control during endodontics.

Rubber(Dental) Dam Isolation

Isolation with rubber(dental) dam is essential during root canal treatment as it prevents accidental swallowing or aspiration of fine endodontic instruments.
A well isolated tooth is also free from salivary contamination. Isolation also enhances the clinical performance of dental materials. Consistent use of rubber(dental) dam results in the overall success rate of root canal treatment.

Access Opening

A well directed access paves way for location and negotiation of all the canals.

Cleaning and shaping

Canal geometry, different file systems available, selection of file system, establishment of working length, techniques to effectively negotiate the root canals , effective irrigation and disinfection of root canals with irrigants and irritant activation, different obturation techniques will be discussed.

Obturation and Post Endodontic Restoration

Microbial tight seal is essential for long term success following root canal treatment. Types of sealers and obturation techniques will be taught

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